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Pizza, Science, & Beyond
“Pizza, Science, and Beyond” (PSB) is an event series conceived and piloted by our Predocs, intended to bring together PhD students from different institutes and backgrounds to discuss science.
The agenda features a “chalk talk” delivered by a student, explicitly prepared to stimulate discussion with members of the audience. They encourage active discussion by emphasizing future plans and general concepts, rather than hardcore data. Moreover, to ensure plenty of interaction, both the introducer and the speaker explicitly ask the audience to actively participate by asking questions, interrupting, or offering a suggestion at any time.
This initiative exemplifies our program's ideal of Scientific Research & Creativity, fostering the exchange of ideas and encouraging collaborations between DIPP PhD students.

2019 Talks
19 June 2019
CRISPRing Cancer: How the CRISPR/Cas9 system can help us find out cancer's vulnerabilities
Shady Sayed, Buchholz Lab (Biotec)
8 May 2018
Nanopore vs PacBio: Sequencing of directed evolution products
Lukas Schmitt, Buchholz Lab (Biotec)
17 April 2019
What do cells do to stay together during morphogenesis?
Romina Piscitello-Gomez, Eaton Lab (MPI-CBG)
13 March 2019
Influence of transplantation on the maturation of human stem cell derived beta cells
Stephen Enos, Speier Lab (PLID)
13 February 2019
Phase separation provides a mechanism to reduce noise in cells
Florian Oltsch, Zechner Lab (MPI-CBG/CSBD)
9 January 2019
Disarming our vessels - clues behind the inability of endothelial cells to withstand prolonged cigarette smoke exposure
Mohamed Almedawar, Morawietz Lab (MTZ)
2018 Talks
21 November 2018
Spatial organisation of membrane proteins: what can we learn from a simulation?
Anastasia Solomatina, Sbalzarini Lab (MPI-CBG/CSBD)
10 October 2018
DYI evolution: make your own enzyme
Martin Schneider, Buchholz Lab (Biotec)
12 September 2018
Go with the flow: Modelling & characterisation of vascular networks
Felix Kramer, Modes Lab (MPI-CBG/CSBD)
15 August 2018
The regulation of zygotic genome activation in nuclear space
Ksenia Kuznetsova, Vastenhouw Lab (MPI-CBG)
20 June 2018
Drosophila Surprise Eggs - a story of elongation and rotation
Sonja Purkert, Dahmann Lab (TU Dresden)
16 May 2018
Setting the path for the next (re)generation: Bone resorption upon amputation in Axolotl
Camilo Riquelme Guzman, Sandoval Guzman Lab (CRTD)
18 April 2018
The story of one thousand and one clones: Unraveling the function of ultraconserved elements
Aksana Schneider, Buchholz Lab (Biotec)
21 March 2018
How compartmentalisation of proteins on membranes regulates organelle functionality
Alice Cezanne, Zerial Lab (MPI-CBG)
14 February 2018
ATACing zebrafish genome activation: how do transcription factors shape the chromatin landscape?
Mate Palfy, Vastenhouw Lab (MPI-CBG)
2017 Talks
15 November 2017
The physics of making an egg
Arghyadip Mukherjee, Jülicher Lab (MPI-PKS)
20 September 2017
Harnessing the power of genome engineering technologies
Felix Lansing, Buchholz Lab (TUD Medical Campus)
21 June 2017
Antigen Specific redirection of T cells against Tumor Cells
Nicola Mitwasi, Bachmann Lab (MTZ)
24 May 2017
Understanding metabolic pathways by quantitative proteomics
Bharath Kumar Raghuraman, Shevchenko Lab (MPI-CBG)
19 April 2017
Chromatin reorganisation in photoreceptors has beneficial effect on the optics of retina
Kaushik Subramanian, Kreysing Lab (MPI-CBG)
8 March 2017
Automated in vivo drug screen against inflammation using zebrafish
Tohid Siddiqui, Zeissig Lab (CRTD)
15 February 2017
How to make a dendritic cell: where do the defenders of the human body come from?
Jelena Popovic, Jessberger Lab (MTZ)
18 January 2017
Generation of cone photoreceptor precursors from embryonic stem cells
Silvia Llonch, Ader Lab (CRTD)
2016 Talks
14 December 2016
Anti-oxidative response of vascular endothelial cells after exposure to cigarette smoke
Mohamad Almedawar, Morawietz Lab (MTZ)
23 November 2016
Epigenetic manipulation of mouse neurogenesis
Florian Noack, Calegari Lab (CRTD)
16 October 2016
Exploiting endocytic trafficking mechanisms to improve siRNA delivery
Prasath Paramasivam, Zerial Lab (MPI-CBG)
14 September 2016
The long and winding road to beetlemania in tissue morphogenesis
Akanksha Jain, Tomancak Lab (MPI-CBG)
17 August 2016
Neural stem cell expansion and cognitive function
Gabriel Berdugo, Calegari Lab (CRTD)
20 July 2016
The role of histones in transcriptional regulation
Shai Joseph, Vastenhouw Lab (MPI-CBG)